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Why FFM (Fat-Free Mass) is a Better Indicator of Health than BMI ?

Why FFM Trumps BMI : hands of man measuring man's waistline


Body Mass Index (BMI) has long been a standard metric used to assess an individual’s body weight in relation to their height. However, over time, experts in the field of health and fitness have identified limitations and drawbacks associated with BMI. In this article, we will delve into why Fat-Free Mass (FFM) is emerging as a superior indicator of health when compared to BMI. Understanding these differences is crucial for a more accurate evaluation of one’s physical well-being.

What is BMI?

BMI is a simple calculation based on a person’s weight and height. It is often used to classify individuals into categories like underweight, normal weight, overweight, or obese. The formula for BMI is:

BMI = (Weight in kilograms) / (Height in meters)²

For more information about BMI.

Limitations of BMI:

  • Doesn’t Consider Body Composition: One of the most significant drawbacks of BMI is that it doesn’t differentiate between muscle and fat. It treats all weight the same, whether it’s muscle mass or fat mass. This means that highly muscular individuals may be classified as overweight or obese, despite having low body fat.
  • No Information on Fat Distribution: BMI also fails to account for fat distribution, which can be critical for assessing health risks. For instance, visceral fat (fat around internal organs) is more detrimental to health than subcutaneous fat (fat beneath the skin).

Why FFM is a Better Indicator:

Fat-Free Mass (FFM) takes a more nuanced approach to evaluating body composition. It considers the weight of everything in the body except fat, such as muscle, bone, organs, and water. Here’s why FFM is a superior metric:

  • Reflects True Body Composition: FFM provides a more accurate picture of an individual’s body composition. It highlights the proportion of lean body mass, which is a better indicator of health and fitness.
  • Helps Assess Muscle Quality: FFM allows us to assess muscle quality and overall fitness. Individuals with a higher proportion of lean muscle mass often have better metabolic health and physical performance.
  • Tailored Health Assessments: FFM can be used to create personalized health and fitness plans that focus on maintaining or increasing lean muscle mass, which can help in weight management and overall well-being.


While BMI has been a valuable tool for many years, it falls short in providing a comprehensive assessment of an individual’s health due to its inability to distinguish between muscle and fat. Fat-Free Mass (FFM) has emerged as a superior alternative, offering a more accurate reflection of body composition and health status. As our understanding of fitness and health continues to evolve, FFM is becoming an increasingly valuable metric for both individuals and healthcare professionals.

About the author

Greg Chan

A science computer engineer and passionate blogger with a strong interest in the worlds of workout, nutrition, and longevity. Combining my technical expertise with my dedication to well-being, I strive to bridge the gap between technology and a healthy lifestyle, offering insights and practical advice to inspire others on their journey to optimal health and a fulfilling life.

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